Archive for September, 2005

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Gender Guessing

By kate on September 23rd, 2005

I was just having small talk with a guy in my office (whose second child was just born). He asked if we were going to find out the gender of ours, and I said yes. He said, “I’m betting it’s a girl. I just have that vibe.” I’m so mystified by these people (he wasn’t […]

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A lot to celebrate

By kate on September 15th, 2005

Yesterday was my 31st birthday (making me “thirty-ONEderful” according to one of the Aerialistas). I had a nice dinner out with 20 friends, which was a lot of fun. I felt very loved. And, on top of that, I have Zippy on the way. A good birthday overall. I’m going away for a long weekend […]

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Midwife Appointment

By kate on September 12th, 2005

We had our first real midwife appointment today, and at the same time met the other midwife in the practice. We liked her just as much as the first one, so we’re happy with our decision. If you’re interested, we’ve chosen Expecting the Best Midwifery. Also, we’re planning to have the baby at the Community […]

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By kate on September 8th, 2005

The pregnancy continues to progress. Here are some notable developments lately: I’ve become clumsy. I guess this is a magnification of the usual PMS/hormone-related reduction of spatial capabilities (aka hand/eye coordination). It’s annoying to keep dropping things, and to know this may not go away for months to come. So, don’t let me use any […]

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Cops… in Pioneer Square

By kate on September 1st, 2005

My office overlooks Pioneer Square. Today, I walked through the square on my way to get some lunch and walked past two policemen apparently arresting two homeless-looking men. As I passed, I heard Bad Cop screaming at one of the men. “This is a family park! It’s not a place for your narcotics use! You […]

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