Posts filed under 'body'
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A little worse for the wear
By kate on July 21st, 2005
Thanks to a stressful week at work and the pregnancy kicking in a bit more, I’ve started to feel traces of nausea. It’s really not that bad, though, compared to what I hear other people have had. Mostly, it feels like it used to when I would read in the car. (In a side note, […]
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Birth Options
By kate on July 17th, 2005
Steve and I are in the process of researching birth options. We both decided right away that a home birth wasn’t really our thing. It sounds messy, and personally, I think I’d rather go to a special place to give birth, rather than in my regular old house. While I love my house, and feel […]
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Week by week
By kate on July 17th, 2005
When we first started trying to get pregnant, I went to Third Place Books to buy a pregnancy book. They had a pretty scant selection, but I wanted a book, so I chose the best of the lot: an old edition of Your Pregnancy Week-By-Week. The cover was so repellent (and the “trying” so secret) […]
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Little discomforts
By kate on July 13th, 2005
Button your pants before you stand up. This is a new mantra that I’m trying to learn. My stomach isn’t very much larger when I’m standing up, but it seems less compressible. So, when I sit down, it doesn’t fold in as well as it used to. This makes my pants uncomfortable only when […]
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Body Movin’
By kate on July 10th, 2005
I’ve decided to just listen to my body with regard to exercise. I’ve used the elliptical machine a couple of times, and today I went for a regular jog with a friend. I felt fine – no tireder than usual. I felt good when I was done. I’m just going to keep on doing it […]
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Being active
By kate on July 8th, 2005
So much of the material I’ve found about exercising when pregnant is targeted toward women who don’t usually exercise much. I assumed most people work out to some degree, but maybe not. It’s been hard to find good advice for someone like me who runs and plays soccer. I did find this recent article. Today […]