New Project…
By kate on July 5th, 2005
My life changed irrevocably this weekend, when we found out for sure that I’m pregnant. Coming in to work today, I ruminated on how different I am now than I was when I left on Friday.
So far, the only physical symptom is a bit of weight gain. Already. One of my favorite things about losing weight was feeling “all one piece”; having my body move all together. It was kind of sad to realize that I won’t get back to that state for maybe two years or so. That’s a long time!
All the same, I’m glad for it, because it’s a noticeable symptom. It lets me know that I’m (most likely) still pregnant, that this is a tangible thing. Until the child gets a bit bigger and I start showing, I’m worried it might just slip out unbeknownst to me.
I talked to my mom last night about her experiences with her (three) pregnancies. Lucky for me, she had it pretty easy. She did have fatigue and nausea for the first couple of months, though, so I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop on that front. No sign yet. My energy levels are normal, and so is my appetite.
I realized that I’ll be going to XXXXX’s wedding five months pregnant. That’ll be interesting. I’ll have to get a fancy maternity dress.
I’m really hoping to get through most of this pregnancy and childhood with second-hand / used / hand-me-down things. I don’t put a high value on getting the newest and best material things, when existing things will do just fine (and be much cheaper). I already do this with my own clothes (and other things, like furniture, sometimes). I want to resist external pressure to overload ourselves with fancy new baby gadgets. I hope we won’t alienate friends and family too much with our demands (to give us hand-me-downs, to avoid character-themed toys, etc.).
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Technology mash-up
By kate on June 24th, 2005
Combine Google maps, text messaging, camera phones, tagging, social networking, and blogging and you get one of the coolest ideas I’ve seen in a while: Foundcity.
It’s almost enough to make me consider giving up my Blackberry for a camera phone by the time they start a Seattle version… (Although not quite, because I could use it without a camera phone, too.)
Filed under: Links, technology | Comment now »
Making my mark
By kate on June 17th, 2005
From Steve’s journal: “I am a better person because Kate is in my life. She has marked me on the inside, and so to reflect that I’m now marked on the outside…“
Filed under: body, relationships | Comment now »
Free doughnuts tomorrow!
By kate on June 2nd, 2005
Filed under: consumerism, food | 4 Comments »
Jobster opening
By kate on May 27th, 2005
My company, Jobster, just released a minor update to our service which allows people to post a link to job openings on blogs and websites. Very cool!
We have a current opening for a web producer:

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To my friends with cars… Join the BUY-cott
By kate on May 25th, 2005
“Looking for an easy way to protest Bush foreign policy week after week? And an easy way to help alleviate global poverty? Buy your gasoline at Citgo stations…”
Filed under: consumerism, current events | Comment now »
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