[ Post-Trip ~ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]


Final Words

    Here is a list I made at the end of the trip of ways I changed while travelling:

      I became more comfortable with dogs. I'm still somewhat afraid of them, but much improved.

      I'm much less icked out by bugs. They become a matter of course in Asia.

      I can stand some spice in my food now. Before the trip, I was very sensitive to it. Now, I can enjoy mid-range spiciness.

      I lost fifteen pounds.

      I'm now more confident trying to communicate when I don't know the language.

      I find it easier now to be friendly and approach strangers and make small talk.

      I got very comfortable carrying a 50-pound backpack.

      I learned what's important to have with you and what isn't.

      I grew to love Steve more.

      I learned a lot about different kinds of Asian food.

      I'm much more patient on long journeys now, and am finally able to read in a moving vehicle without a headache.

      I've learned a bit about the governments of the countries I visited and am now more aware of when they are in the news.

      I became more tolerant of being hot and sweaty.

      ~ * ~

      I feel like I should write some big-picture final words, but there's not much more to say. The trip was a really great experience, and I grew a lot. I realized that living as a traveller gets old after a while, but that travelling itself is valuable and fun. I have some stories I can tell now, and countless memories.

      If you're considering a long trip like this and there's a question I haven't answered, feel free to email me at website@mynameiskate.com.

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