the triathlon pages

FIRST WEEK ~ I'm motivated

Current totals: Other:
Running 3 miles Rock climbing 1 visit
Biking 41.4 miles Canoeing 40 minutes
Swimming 1400 feet Soccer 2 games

    My motivation has been very high this week, since I just made the decision to do this triathlon and am excited. I'm looking forward to the improvement I should see in my body. Because of this motivation, I was able to get myself to workout all but one day, even when I wasn't entirely in the mood.

    In a single workout, I have biked 12 miles; and have run 3.1 miles at once, too. But so far, I have only swum 1000 feet at a time. I really need to work on my swimming more often. Going on a bike ride is by far the easiest workout, especially when I'm feeling low-energy. I have to try to go running and swimming more often, because I really don't need much bicycle training.

    My single running workout so far was on a treadmill, because jogging bores me. When I'm on a treadmill, I can at least watch TV to occupy my mind. I know I need to get out there and pound the pavement eventually, but I think I'll wait until I've built up my stamina first.

    So far, I have not noticed much improvement in my endurance, or loss of weight. The one noticeable effect I've seen is that my legs, especially my thighs, have become more toned.


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